Five Questions with Infographics Conference
Why are you organizing Infographics Conference?
We started in 2008 with the idea of organizing a network/drink afternoon with some presentations. But we became aware that we needed more then just an afternoon and we needed a room for at least 200 people.
We are a group of infographic designers who know each other because we all worked in printed media. At different newspapers but always looking at each others work and at foreign newspapers (NYT, El Mundo etc.).
We thought, we can really learn from our network and show what we do, it’s more then just pretty pictures. After the first year everybody was so enthusiastic, and for the next years it was obvious: ‘We need a bigger room’.
What is the biggest challenge for Infographics Conference?
We do this as volunteers, next to our regular jobs. We have a very consistent workflow, but people always expect (or we expect it from ourself) to have something special during the day. Like we had a Delorean on stage because our theme was 'Back to the Future'. Or 3D infographics and had the whole room looking through red-green glasses.

What do you want your audience to take home after a Infographics Conference visit?
We hear that the audience is inspired, reloaded with creative energy and learned something new. And if you don’t had that, then they surely met some new people to extent their network
What are you most proud of or excited about if you look at the Infographics Conference program?
That we have David McCandless. Who is a very wanted speaker (watch his TED talk) and most excited about our host John Grimwade, who was a presenter last 8 times.
What other festival or event / happening inspires you and would you recommend to your peers?
- Malofiej World Summit in Pamplona, Spain
- Ideo, a design and innovation consulting firm
- What design can do
Infographics Conference
March 4, 2016
Zeist, The Netherlands
- John Grimwade -
- David Mccandless -
- Rogier Trompert -
- Sheila Pontis -
- Adolfo Arranz -
- Sven Bellanger -
- The Drawing Room: Jan Rothuizen, Sara Kolster, Studio Zesbaans
- Max Gorbachevskiy -
- Refugee Republic -
- Nadieh Bremer -
- Shayne Smart -
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