Five Questions with Mouvo

Neon Moiré sets out to interview festival organizers and tries to find out what motivates them to organize their events and what are they most exicited about. We talked to Vladka Cimbalnikova, co-owner of Oficina and Mouvo producer. Mouvo is a brand new festival with a focus on motion design in Prague. Their first edition takes place on April 19, 2016.
Mouvo – Speakers Showreel

Why are you organizing Mouvo?

The first idea to organize a Motion Design Festival became about in 2010. Motion is one of the design disciplines which does not have its own festival here in the Czech Republic. As we are mainly a motion design studio, it was some kind of a call.

Since then, we have visited several European festivals to get an idea, what would be the best way we want to present.

All was going very slowly; Due to all the work we have had with Oficina, our studio, we could not find time to continuously work on Mouvo.

One day, it was last year in May, a friend of ours came to see us, she just left her job and was looking for some new challenges. As she has longtime experience in festival organization, we knew that moment, that Mouvo (The whole name Moches Volantes) was going to happen. We started to work slowly on this first edition in June last year. Since December it has been employing nearly the whole studio.

What is very important to us, is to make a platform open to experiments. Mouvo should be a brand not only a festival, we would like to extend it with other activities. Some of them should aim more into arts and some to commerce. It is not appropriate now to talk about it in detail, as this is still in a stage of ideas.

What is the biggest challenge for Mouvo?

Mouvo is eager to be an information interpreter, providing inspiration in form of foreign guests and securing networking between authors and audience.

One event-packed festival day will present motion design in all its forms – as a creative field as well as an outlet for personal expression. It will combine the historical context, young stars as well as top-world-class authors.

We hope Mouvo gets a good name not only within a motion designers circle but broader and becomes a traditional festival spoken about worldwide.

What do you want your audience to take home after a Mouvo visit?

We have tried to make the line up varied, we hope that the Mouvo audience will leave with:

  • the feeling that it is worth to spent a whole day on. and that it gives them new inspiration and ideas, answered questions, new connections
  • the desire to visit Mouvo vol.2.

Wheter you are a 3D artist, 2D artist, a director or an operator, it should be interesting as a whole. The awareness of concrete parts of motion, the rules each profession has to coop with, the software skills and possibilities, simply the more you know the more you improve and this is the way to become a better motion designer.

What are you most proud of or excited about if you look at the Mouvo program?

We invited top-level speakers, who will show us top quality projects. We are thankful all of them were willing to come, as we are a brand new festival and it is the first edition.

Nevertheless, the first edition has one special talk about the history and definition of Motion design. I am excited about this kind of philosophical discussion, in which everybody can take a part.

What other festival or event / happening inspires you and would you recommend to your peers?

Mainly, we are motion design studio, organizing Mouvo is kind of a “bonus material”. Respect to all organizers of such happenings. Inspirational are festivals such as Offf or F5.

Mouvo Festival

April 19, 2016
Prague, Czech Republic

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