beyond tellerrand

beyond tellerrand is the affordable single-track event where creativity and technology meet. Taking place in Düsseldorf, Berlin and Munich with 500+ attendees each in a renowned, familiar and friendly atmosphere.

Upcoming Events

beyond tellerrand – Berlin 202506-07 NOV 2025Berlin
Full-Day Workshop: Designing For Complex UIs In 202507 MAY 2025Düsseldorf
beyond tellerrand – Düsseldorf 202505-06 MAY 2025Düsseldorf

Event Archive

Eno - Berlin Premiere 14 JAN 2025Berlin
Eno - Berlin Premiere (late screening)14 JAN 2025Berlin
beyond tellerrand – Berlin 202407-08 NOV 2024Berlin
beyond tellerrand – Düsseldorf 202413-14 MAY 2024Düsseldorf
Full-Day Workshop: Accessible Typography for Web and UI Design12 MAY 2024Düsseldorf
beyond tellerrand Berlin 202311-12 SEP 2023Berlin
Full-Day Workshop: SVG Animation19 APR 2023Düsseldorf
beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf 202317-18 APR 2023Düsseldorf
Full-Day Workshop: Stem to Stern Accessibility16 APR 2023Düsseldorf
Full-Day Workshop: Find It and Fix It: Practical Web Performance Optimisation with Harry Roberts16 APR 2023Düsseldorf
Stories on the Road – Leeds01 MAR 2023Leeds
Stories on the Road – Brighton27 FEB 2023Brighton
beyond tellerrand // BERLIN 202201-02 SEP 2022Berlin
aXbt – For the Joy of Work (a beyond tellerrand day in Hamburg)19 MAY 2022Hamburg
Full-Day Workshop: Designing for Emotion Masterclass04 MAY 2022Düsseldorf
beyond tellerrand // DÜSSELDORF 202202-03 MAY 2022Düsseldorf
Stay Curious – “Toolkits”18 JAN 2022Vito
beyond tellerrand // DÜSSELDORF 202108-10 NOV 2021Düsseldorf
Stay Curious – “Performance”24 AUG 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Sci-Fi”16 JUN 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Content First”02 JUN 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Black & White”19 MAY 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Email”05 MAY 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Success”21 APR 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Brush, No Brush”07 APR 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Visual Thinking”24 MAR 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Explore”10 MAR 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Possibilities”24 FEB 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Interaction”10 FEB 2021Online
Stay Curious – “Career Choices”09 DEC 2020Online
Stay Curious – “Fonts”24 NOV 2020Online
Stay Curious – “Assumptions & Empathy”09 NOV 2020Online
Stay Curious – “Tinkering”28 OCT 2020Online
Stay Curious – “Motivation”13 OCT 2020Online
beyond tellerrand // BERLIN 201913-16 NOV 2019Berlin
Mozilla Developer Roadshow 2019 – Wien29 AUG 2019Vienna
Mozilla Developer Roadshow 2019 – Linz28 AUG 2019Linz
Mozilla Developer Roadshow 2019 – München27 AUG 2019München
Mozilla Developer Roadshow 2019 – Nürnberg/Fürth26 AUG 2019Fürth
beyond tellerrand // Dusseldorf 201912-15 MAY 2019Düsseldorf
beyond tellerrand Berlin05-08 NOV 2018Berlin
beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf 201807-09 MAY 2018Düsseldorf
beyond tellerrand Munich 201815-17 JAN 2018Munich
beyond tellerrand Berlin06-08 NOV 2017Berlin
Beyond Tellerrand07-09 NOV 2016Berlin
Beyond Tellerrand09-11 MAY 2016Düsseldorf
Beyond Tellerrand Berlin 201502-04 NOV 2015Berlin
Beyond Tellerrand Düsseldorf09-13 MAY 2015Düsseldorf