Review The Old in & Out
The evening kicked off with a short presentation by Elske. She showed two of HeyHeydeHaas’ latest projects. An advertisement video for Vice and a Christmas project in Hong Kong. Both spin-offs from Melvin the Machine, a Rube Goldberg like installation.
First speaker of the evening was Daniel de Bruin, who just graduated from HKU. He showed his handmade machines, in which he questions “if machines take over all my work, what is left of me?” His mechanical 3d printer is really something. The product made with the machine really showed the makers hand instead of the the waiting proces when you use a fully automatic 3d printer. His Neurotransmitter 3000 we would love to climb into.

Next speakers where Joris and Marieke from academy nominated animation studio Job, Joris and Marieke. They showed of course there famos animations but more importantly the proces behind it and how they love to do everything in house. From 3d printing to making the soundtrack for there films.

After the break placemaker Morag Myerscough showed her very personal family history and how that relates to everything she makes right now. Very colorful installations that are completely hand painted and so impressive that you can't stop looking at it and want to be part of it.
In their invitation HeyHeydeHaas referred to the quote "Let me tell you about my boat." from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou a film by Wes Anderson. This was surprising when we got the invitation but after the seeing the first video of the evening it made so much sense. Not only the set has the same aesthetics and feeling HeyHeydeHaas and the other speakers love to make, but also the speaker talk about there ‘boat’.
The selection of speaker reflected perfectedly HeyHeydeHaas’ attitude towards design. Just make it, make it stylish and make it look simple.
Since the event was invite only, plus one, the attendees were a interesting mix of people with not only a design background. And we were lucky to meet old friends.
We're really looking forward to the next one.
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