IAM Weekend 21
Barcelona, SpainAttendance
In-person and Online Event- IAM
About IAM Weekend 21
Join IAM Weekend 21 in Barcelona or from home! The 7th annual gathering for mindful designers, researchers, strategists, artists, technologists, journalists and creative professionals looking to collectively envision sustainable futures for the internet(s).
2021 theme: Imagining Intercitizenships 🌍 What if enough citizens of Planet Earth encourage a paradigm shift from the individualism of a user-centric digital economy to the interdependence of sustainable ecosystems driven by responsibility and solidarity? In other words, what if enough people collectively decide to become intercitizens? The 'Imagining Intercitizenships' theme is an open invitation to explore, discuss and imagine how the internet(s) and digital technologies can be reframed through the lenses of intersectionality to cultivate a shared sense of belonging to Planet Earth, challenging the constructed borders like nationality, race and gender. Programme tracks: a) Cultivating Responsible Tech for Climate Action and Justice: How can reframing the public/private dichotomy support a transition towards demonopolised, inclusive and digitally sober ecologies? b) Designing for Energy-Aware and Alternative Economies: How can digital design mindsets shift towards the natural intelligence of solar protocols and scale up an ecological worldview? c) Storytelling and Reporting on the Environmental Emergency: How can transdisciplinary collaboration in science, media, design and journalism seed engaging narratives and foster solidarity while covering a transnational emergency? d) Envisioning together the Next Billion Seconds: How can artistic languages and cultural productions address the planetary crisis of imagination to seed long-term healing?
IAM Weekend 21 trailer
Edifici Vèrtex Polytechnic University of Catalonia / UPC
Plaça d'Eusebi Güell, 6
08034, Barcelona