CXI Brand Conference

About CXI Brand Conference

CXI is a one-day corporate and brand iden­tity event organized by Bie­le­feld School of Design.

The 14th edition of CXI Brand talks! CXI is a one-day corporate and brand iden­tity event organized by Bie­le­feld School of Design. During the sessions questions like "What de­fi­nes the ef­fec­tiven­ess of a corporate identity pro­ject?", "What ex­actly is nee­ded, from both cli­ent and agency?", and "how can such a com­plex pro­cess be im­ple­men­ted in a way that works?" will be addressed, next to showcasing re-designs for big brands. In branding projects many fac­tors are at play – and num­ber one is the qual­i­ty of the col­lab­o­ra­tion between agency and client. This is why CXI features presentations from both sides, covering the creation as well as the development of a project. Select­ed clients and agen­cies will be show­ing TOGETHER how things look from both sides of the part­ner­ship, iden­ti­fy­ing prob­lem areas and pre­sent­ing solu­tions. They will give insights into the com­plex­i­ty and sheer breadth of what is involved in defin­ing a project, bring­ing clar­i­ty to desired out­comes, deci­sions that are made to achieve these, and the results that can be expect­ed. CXI has been run­ning since 2009, and with more than 1000 atten­dees has become the largest cor­po­rate and brand iden­ti­ty con­fer­ence.



Ann-Christin Ahrens
of why do birds
Sigrid Albrecht
Michael Hausner
of Zeiss
Andreas Henningsen
of Zeiss
Mats Kubiak
of g31
Joe Ling
of Koto
Falko Ohlmer
of Arndt Benedikt
Ivana Radovanovic
of Mutabor
Arnaud Roulleau
of Deezer
Markus Tiedemann
of OMR
Christina von Plate
of Bilker Bunker
Sebastian Waschulewski
of why do birds
Inga Ellingen
of Boehringer Ingelheim
Eva Olk
of Interbrand
Merijn van Velsen
of Studio Dumbar

CXI Brand Conference trailer



Lampingstrasse 16
33615, Bielefeld

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