IAM Weekend 18

  • Location
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Attendance
  • Host
  • Travel

About IAM Weekend 18

IAM Weekend is the best weekend of the year for internet people! Fourth IAM Weekend offers the future of internet culture, within the theme: Subversions of Paradoxes.

Related interview: IAM Weekend 2018: The Subversion of Paradoxes



  • Audrey Tang
  • Pinar Yoldas
  • Ingrid Lafleur
  • Marie Mcpartlin
  • Alan Warburton
  • Dr. Charlotte Webb
  • Laturbo Avedon
  • Jane Murison
  • Juliette Lizotte
  • Kate Coughlan
  • Kelani Nichole
  • Meriem Bennani
  • Felipe Castelblanco
  • Nahum
  • Francisco Carballo
  • Monika Bielskyte
  • Ian Ardouin-fumat

IAM Weekend 18 trailer

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