
  • Location
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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About Webconf.asia

!! WEBCONF.ASIA WILL BE POSTPONED read here why The third edition of Webconf.asia, a conference and workshop series featuring great talks with practical advice from international web experts. For this year's conference, we plan to run four workshops on the days before the conference on November 20–21, 2019.



of css wizardry
of Shopify
Learn more about Robyn Larsen

Robyn Larsen is a front-end developer, entrepreneur, and speaker. Robyn is also an active community member who advises numerous startups across multiple industries and frequently mentors women in tech and STEM. She is is a member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) with Microsoft and Avalanche Canada. She builds tools for entrepreneurs on the International team at Shopify, is co-founder of Zona Fitness Academy, and teaches Zero to Launch workshops for entrepreneurs through Embrk, she is a globe trotting, adrenaline junkie currently living the remote dream in Singapore.

of OddBird
of Google
Learn more about Una Kravets

Una Kravets is a Brooklyn-based international public speaker, technical writer, and Developer Advocate for Material Design at Google. She has written for various online publications such as A List Apart, 24 Ways, Smashing Magazine, and SitePoint, and started both the DC and Austin Sass Meetup groups. Una also co-hosts the Toolsday developer podcast and loves to experiment with CSS, image performance, and creative UI.

of Confrere
Learn more about Ida Aalen

Ida Aalen is Chief Product Officer and co-founder of the video conferencing startup Confrere. Ida has 10 years of experience with UX and content strategy. Before joining Confrere, she worked for seven years at the consultancy Netlife Design. She’s especially happy when she gets to work with people from other fields than her own. She’s passionate about user testing and user research, and has made it her mission to prove that there’s no such thing as no time or noresources for user testing. Fun fact: She has a mutant named after her.

of Samsung Research UK
Learn more about Daniel Appelquist

Dan is a Web and Mobile industry veteran. He has been an entrepreneur and CTO, working in the early days of the web. Later he also worked for European mobile operators, helping to develop the standards and technologies behind the mobile web. He subsequently worked for the UK Government Digital Service helping to develop open standards strategy. Currently, he is the director of Web Advocacy at Samsung (based in London), co-chair of the W3C Technical Architecture Group, and is a member of the cross-browser MDN Product Advisory Board.


1600HKD - 2500HKD

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Workshops at Webconf.asia

Harry Roberts on Web Performance with Harry Roberts
20 Nov 2019 - 20 Nov 2019
It’s good for users, it’s good for accessibility, and it’s good for business. But why are modern browsing experiences so slow? If technology is getting better, why are websites getting slower?
Price: HK$ 2,200
Easy and Affordable User Testing with Ida Aalen
20 Nov 2019 - 20 Nov 2019
After this full-day workshop, you’ll be ready to user test even on small budgets and little time. Everyone wants to make intuitive products. But you can’t really know they’re intuitive, if you haven’t tested them with actual users. So why don’t we user test more often? It might be because we think we’re lacking the time, budget, equipment or simply the knowledge to do it. But that doesn’t have to be true. You’ll leave this hands-on and interactive workshop ready and excited to do user testing on your own. It will give you a theoretical foundation and show you how to try out techniques in practice. All done on little time, with no need for fancy equipment or help from expensive consultants.
Price: HK$ 2,200
Advanced CSS & Sass For Modern Applications with Miriam Suzanne
21 Nov 2019 - 21 Nov 2019
From building beautiful sites, to maintaining complex design systems across applications, CSS is the web-language of design. Like all web languages, Cascading Style Sheets have come a long way since their early inception – providing powerful and dynamic tools for cross-browser and cross-device interface design. In this workshop, Miriam Suzanne will introduce a variety of new and advanced CSS techniques, along with practical use-cases, integrations, and pitfalls. You’ll learn how to manage CSS variables, grids, calculations, support queries, and more – but understanding the syntax is only a start. We’ll talk about building a robust code architecture with CSS-driven design systems, passing data between JS and CSS, and combining modern techniques to solve real, everyday interface problems.
Price: HK$ 2,200