CXI Conference

About CXI Conference

CXI conference is a one-day brand and cor­po­rate iden­tity event organized by Bie­le­feld School of Design. During the sessions questions like: What de­fi­nes the ef­fec­tiven­ess of a corporate identity pro­ject? What ex­actly is nee­ded, from both cli­ent and agency? And how can such a com­plex pro­cess be im­ple­men­ted in a way that works? Will be addressed, next to showcasing re-design for big brands.

Our interview with Prof. Robert Paulmann, of Bielefeld School of Design, who is organizing the CXI conference.


  • Andreas Bentler
  • Katrin Berlet
  • Darren Bowles
  • Gruppe Bochum
  • Heide Koch
  • Nicolas Markwald
  • Nina Neusitzer
  • Stéphane Pingaud
  • Sven Ritterhoff
  • Marco Spies
  • Barbara Tischhauser Bandli
  • Sascha Weisshaupt
  • Alexander Wodrich


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