Typofest 2018

  • Location
    Sofia & Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Attendance
  • Travel

About Typofest 2018

Typofest is a design biennial for people who love calligraphy, lettering and type. The third edition of the festival program contains an international conference and several workshops with remarkable professionals in the field.

Get 10% off your ticket using promo code TF18NM10. Please note it’s valid from May 1st to May 20th 2018.




  • Ania Światłowska
  • Clare Skeats
  • David Pearson
  • Jakob Engberg Petersen
  • Jean François Porchez
  • Martin Majoor
  • Martina Flor
  • Mathieu Réguer
  • Oleksiy Chekal
  • Onur Yazicigil
  • Tagir Safayev

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  • May 21–22nd — Calligraphy Workshop with Oleksiy Chekal
  • May 23–24th — Lettering Workshop with Jakob Endberg Petersen
  • May 26th — Conference and Afterparty
  • May 28–29th — Type design Workshop with Mathieu Réguer & Jean François Porchez