Eastern Design Conference
Košice, SlovakiaAttendance
About Eastern Design Conference
Eastern Design Conference focuses on design and its context—on people and places, their connections, origin stories, and history. With this in mind, Eastern Design Conference wants to showcase great ideas, unique solutions and inspiring stories to reveal how powerful and influential is the local context in design.
Learn more about SNASK + Matej Špánik
Short and simple, SNASK is your future romance. Fredrik Öst & Erik Kockum are the founders and creative directors of the most famous Swedish studio listed in "Top 50 desired workplaces for creatives" from around the world. SNASK is an internationally renowned creative agency that makes kick-ass branding, design & film. They have their rock band, shower beer and a golden manifesto book written in 72 hours. Their challenging attitude has worked pretty well for clients like Klarna, Target, H&M, Nordea & many others. Matej is a Slovak graphic designer & art director, currently based in Stockholm. He learned how to use a computer at Milk Design Directors in Bratislava, and since 2016 he's a part of a kick-ass branding studio SNASK. He was in jail(1), was broadcasted at MTV(2) and he's colourblind(3). One of these three things is not true.
Learn more about Peter Biľak
In 1999, Peter started Typotheque type foundry and co-founded art & design journal Dot Dot Dot with Stuart Bailey back in 2000. Moving on, Peter founded Works That Work—a magazine of unexpected creativity. Together with Andrej Krátky, he co-founded Fontstand.com, a font rental platform. Peter actively collaborates with a choreographer Lukas Timulak, creating modern dance performances. They have started Make-Move-Think.org together—a foundation for interdisciplinary artistic collaborations. Peter is also teaching at the Type & Media, a postgraduate course at the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague.
Learn more about Martina Pauková
Currently the most famous Slovak illustrator, that remains unknown in Slovakia. Martina Pauková is represented by one of the most known illustration agencies in the world—Agent Pekka. Her work has skyrocketed in popularity in the last couple of years. Creating humorous, jam-packed images in a trademark palette and Memphis-inspired patterns have built her an increasingly impressive list of clients like Google, Apple, New Yorker, Cannes Lions, Washington Post and many more.
Learn more about Banda Agency
Founded in 2011 in Kyiv, Red Dot: Agency of the Year 2018. Seven distinctions in this renowned competition alone are proof of the quality of their work. Banda is the most famousfull-serviceUkrainian agency with uniquecreative know-how. Within only eight years, Banda Agency received more than a hundred prizes and worked with renowned clients like Ukraine Now, Comfy, Uber, Puma and the Eurovision Song Contest.
Learn more about Samuel Čarnoky
This year's Slovak Design Award laureate, design teacher and one of the leading Slovak typographers, Samo Čarnoký, teaches visual communication at Technical University of Košice. As a designer, he focuses on type design, book and editorial design. He significantly helps to spread the awareness of Slovak design internationally as author/co-author of publications about Slovak temporary typography (Fonts SK), and its tradition (NEONa).
Learn more about Olga Drenda
Writer, translator and anthropologist investigating the aesthetics of the transformation era in Poland and Central-Eastern Europe. Her writing focuses on vernacular design and engineering, local hauntologies and the anthropology of everyday life. Author of "Duchologia Polska. Rzeczy i ludzie w latach transformacji" (Polish Ghostology. Things and people in the years of transformation), "Czyje jest nasze życie" (Whoselife is ours, co-written with Bartłomiej Dobroczyński), "Wyroby. Pomysłowość wokół nas"(Products. Ingenuity around us), as well as many other essays and articles. Since 2013, she has been running the Duchologia Facebook page, dedicated to the spectres of the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Eastern Design Conference trailer
Tabačka Kulturfabrik
Gorkého 2
04001, Košice