Integrated2019 – Radical Imagination
Antwerp, BelgiumAttendance
About Integrated2019 – Radical Imagination
Under the banner ‘Radical Imagination’, Integrated2019 is inviting leading international (performing) artists, designers, architects, scientists, politicians and activists who offer us a radically different view of the world and of our future. We are not talking about creative dreamers with some otherworldly idea, nor about ‘mainstream influencers’ who want to saddle us with the latest trends. What we are offering, rather, is a platform for original perspectives that speak to the collective imagination, panoramas that realign our image of art, technology and design, that readjust our understanding of the city, the country or society as a whole and that, as a result, make us restless and self-critical in the best possible manner.
Desguinlei 25
2018, Antwerp