ULTRAFETT 2021 – Celebrating the World of Type and Typography
Online Event
About ULTRAFETT 2021 – Celebrating the World of Type and Typography
The ULTRAFETT Typography Festival 2021 is taking place online from June 7th—July 11th. Enjoy new videos from our international speakers every week — on Youtube — for free!
Celebrating the world of type and typography, eleven of the world’s best typographers and designers are ready to be your travel guides. With many inspiring contributions and personalities, ULTRAFETT celebrates a wide variety of typographic styles and disciplines: Explore current trends, new approaches, ultrafett means of expression and so much more! The collective love for typography, influences and ideas from all around the world and a whole lot of fun are making ULTRAFETT the most memorable trip of 2021! Brought to you by FH Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. Look forward to five wonderful weeks packed with masters of type and typographic masterpieces! Monty Richthofen—Mon June 7th, 6pm CET Marian Bantjes—Thurs June 10th, 6pm CET David Pearson—Mon June 14th, 6pm CET Annik Troxler—Thurs June 17th, 6pm CET Jenna Gesse—Mon June 21st, 6pm CET Oded Ezer—Thurs June 24th, 6pm CET Studio Yukiko—Mon June 28th, 6pm CET Mitch Paone—Thurs July 1st, 6pm CET Vera van de Seyp—Mon July 5th, 6pm CET Fraser Muggeridge—Thurs July 8th, 6pm CET Paula Scher—Sun July 11th, 6pm CET Subscribe to our Youtube channel, now! www.youtube.com/ULTRAFETTTypographyFestival